Safe and secure exercise area for dogs and their owners, right in the heart of the West Sussex countryside
Frequently asked questions

We’ve tried really hard to include all the information that you might need, but here are some more details about who we are and how things work at the Bark Park at Little Thakeham Farm.

How do I book
Just visit the booking page, and you’ll be able to select the date and time you’d like to come to the bark park. We use ‘Simply Book’ as our booking partner, and we take all major credit cards. You’ll receive an email confirming your booking, with further details along with a link just in case you need to cancel.
Why are your time slots 55 and 25 mins?
Occasionally we have back to back bookings, so we have our timeslots set at this to allow owners and their dogs time to clear the Bark Park before the next booking arrives. This is especially important if dogs are nervous of course.
How do we enter the Bark Park?
When you make a booking your confirmation email will contain a four digit access code, and when you arrive you simply type this into the keypad on the gate. Nice and simple!
What’s your cancellation policy?
In the rare event our clients cancel, then a full refund is given if cancellation is processed more than 24 hours before the booking.

You can cancel your booking directly from the confirmation email that'll you'll receive, and we'll process a refund for you from there.
How many dogs can I bring?
We know that many people have more than one dog, so naturally you can bring your whole family. We have the facility to book for up to four dogs, and for canine professionals such as dog walkers we also the option to bring up to six dogs too.
How secure is the enclosure?
Our Bark Park is approximately three acres in size, and is surrounded on all sides by secure high level fencing. The lower part of the fencing is of a small grid size, with the higher areas a broader span. This provides a level of security and safety for dogs, no matter how small they are, or how high they can jump. Naturally we do ask owners and users of the dog park to use their own judgement around their own dogs however (also see our terms and conditions.)
How can I find you?
We’re based on Little Thakeham Farm, and the field is a short wak from Thakeham Football Club up the public footpath to get to the Bark Park. You can see a map of our location and the footpath on our about The Bark Park page. If you use What Three Words (which is great for rural locations) the start of the footpath is based at ///bunk.condensed.unicorns, and the entrance to our Bark Park can be found at is ///toast.tougher.series
Is it far from the Village Hall?
The walk itself is thoroughly enjoyable, and it is only a short walk from the village hall. We have signage being installed very soon, but have also put together a walk-through with photographs on our directions page.
Is the park and pathway lit?
We’re keen to support the rural nature of our location, and therefore our Bark Park (and access footpath) is not floodlit. Because of this, use of the enclosure is limited to daylight hours only. Please be mindful of this during the winter months, ensuring that you have enough daylight to return to the start of the footpath (especially in poorer weather).
Can I share my visit on social media?
Of course (we love this, by the way). You can follow us on Instagram at @littlethakehamfarmbarkpark – and if you’d like to share a picture of your dogs having fun then don’t forget to tag us in the post. You can also find us on Facebook, and you can visit our page by searching for Little Thakeham Farm Bark Park or by following this link.
Who's Bomber?
Bomber is one of the farm dogs down on Little Thakeham Farm. His human is called Jules and he's often found in the grounds of the farm investigating badger holts and being adorable (Bomber that is, not Jules). Don't worry if you have nervous dogs however; he's very friendly and as it's a big farm your paths probably won't even cross. He's recently been joined at the farm by Baxter, and you can see pictures of them both on our home page.
We're a dog organisation that would like to use the Bark Park.
We know that secure training facilities are vital for dog organisations who have a need for someone to work with their animals. We are already working with a few of these, and are always happy to support more. Therefore just get in touch and let's work together.